
To estimate the model, the following two steps must be undertaken.

Step 1. Tuning Hyperparameters

We have five hyperparameters, p, q, nu0, Omega0, and mean_phi_const.

  • p::Float64: lag length of the $\mathbb{P}$-VAR(p)
  • q::Matrix{Float64}( , 4, 2): Shrinkage degrees in the Minnesota prior
  • nu0::Float64(d.f.) and Omega0::Vector(diagonals of the scale matrix): Prior distribution of the error covariance matrix in the $\mathbb{P}$-VAR(p)
  • mean_phi_const: Prior mean of the intercept term in the $\mathbb{P}$-VAR(p)

We recommend tuning_hyperparameter for deciding the hyperparameters.

tuned, results = tuning_hyperparameter(yields, macros, tau_n, rho;
                                        upper_q=[1 1; 1 1; 10 10; 100 100],

Note that the default upper bound of p is upper_p=18. The output tuned::Hyperparameter is the object that needs to be obtained in Step 1. results contains the optimization results.

If users accept our default values, the function is simplified, that is

tuned, results = tuning_hyperparameter(yields, macros, tau_n, rho)

yields is a T by N matrix, and T is the length of the sample period. N is the number of maturities in data. tau_n is a N-Vector that contains bond maturities in data. For example, if there are two maturities, 3 and 24 months, in the monthly term structure model, tau_n=[3; 24]. macros is a T by dP-dQ matrix in which each column is an individual macroeconomic variable. rho is a dP-dQ-Vector. In general, rho[i] = 1 if macros[:, i] is in level, or it is set to 0 if the macro variable is differenced.

Several relevant points regarding hyperparameter optimization

Computational Cost of the Optimization

Since we adopt the Differential Evolutionary(DE) algorithm (Specifically, BlackBoxOptim.jl), it is hard to set the terminal condition. Our strategy was to run the algorithm with a sufficient number of iterations (our default settings) and to verify that it reaches a global optimum by plotting the objective function.

The reason for using BlackBoxOptim.jl is that this package was the most suitable for our model. After trying several optimization packages in Python and Julia, BlackBoxOptim.jl consistently found the optimum values most reliably. A downside of DE algorithms like BlackBoxOptim.jl is that they can have high computational costs. If the computational cost is excessively high to you, you can reduce it by setting populationsize or maxiter options in tuning_hyperparameter to lower values. However, this may lead to a decrease in model performance.

Range of Data over which the Marginal Likelihood is Calculated

In Bayesian methodology, the standard criterion of the model comparison is the marginal likelihood. When we compare models using the marginal likelihood, the most crucial prerequisite is that the marginal likelihoods of all models must be calculated over the same observations.

For instance, let's say we have data with the number of rows being 100. Model 1 has p=1, and Model 2 has p=2. In this case, the marginal likelihood should be computed over data[3:end, :]. This means that for Model 1, data[2, :] is used as the initial value, and for Model 2, data[1:2, :] is used as initial values. tuning_hyperparameter automatically reflects this fact by calculating the marginal likelihood over data[upper_p+1:end, :] for model comparison.

Prior Belief about the Expectation Hypothesis

Our algorithm has an inductive bias that the estimates should not deviate too much from the Expectation Hypothesis (EH). Here, the assumed EH means that the term premium is a non-zero constant. If you want to introduce an inductive bias centered around the pure EH, where the term premium is zero, set is_pure_EH=true. However, note that using this option may take some initial time to numerically set the prior distribution.

Step 2. Sampling the Posterior Distribution of Parameters

In Step 1, we got tuned::Hyperparameter. posterior_sampler uses it for the estimation.

saved_params, acceptPrMH = posterior_sampler(yields, macros, tau_n, rho, iteration, tuned::Hyperparameter;

If users changed the default values in Step 1, the corresponding default values in the above function also should be changed. If users use our default values, the function simplifies to

saved_params, acceptPrMH = posterior_sampler(yields, macros, tau_n, rho, iteration, tuned::Hyperparameter)

iteration is the number of posterior samples that users want to get. Our MCMC starts at the prior mean, and you have to erase burn-in samples manually.

saved_params::Vector{Parameter} has a length of iteration and each entry is a posterior sample. acceptPrMH is dQ+1-Vector, and the i(<=dQ)-th entry shows the MH acceptance rate for i-th principal component in the recursive $\mathbb{P}$-VAR. The last entry of acceptPrMH is the MH acceptance rate for kappaQ under the unrestricted JSZ model. It is zero under the AFNS restriction.

After users get posterior samples(saved_params), they might want to discard some samples as burn-in. If the number of burn-in samples is burnin, run

saved_params = saved_params[burnin+1:end]

Also, users might want to erase posterior samples that do not satisfies the stationary condition. It can be done by erase_nonstationary_param.

saved_params, Pr_stationary = erase_nonstationary_param(saved_params)

All entries in the above saved_params::Vector{Parameter} are posterior samples that satisfy the stationary condition.

Reduction in the Number of Posterior Samples

The vector length of saved_params decreases after the burn-in process and erase_nonstationary_param. Note that this leads to a gap between iteration and length(saved_params).

Diagnostics for MCMC

We believe in the efficiency of our algorithm, so users do not need to be overly concerned about the convergence of the posterior samples. In our opinion, sampling 6,000 posterior samples and erase the first 1,000 samples as burn-in would be enough.

We provide a measure to gauge the efficiency of the algorithm, that is

ineff = ineff_factor(saved_params)

saved_params::Vector{Parameter} is the output of posterior_sampler. ineff is Tuple(kappaQ, kQ_infty, gamma, SigmaO, varFF, phi). Each object of the tuple has the same shape as its corresponding parameter. The entries of the Array of the Tuple represent the inefficiency factors of the corresponding parameters. If an inefficiency factor is high, it indicates poor sampling efficiency of the parameter located at the same position.

You can calculate the maximum inefficiency factor by

max_ineff = (ineff[1] |> maximum, ineff[2], ineff[3] |> maximum, ineff[4] |> maximum, ineff[5] |> maximum, ineff[6] |> maximum) |> maximum

The value obtained by dividing the number of posterior samples by max_ineff is the effective number of posterior samples, taking into account the efficiency of the sampler. For example, let's say max_ineff = 10. Then, if 6,000 posterior samples are drawn and the first 1,000 samples are erased as burn-in, the remaining 5,000 posterior samples have the same efficiency as using 500 i.i.d samples, calculated as (6000-1000)/max_ineff. For reference, in our paper, the maximum inefficiency factor was 2.38.